Lady bird lake hiking trail restroom case study


Lady Bird Lake Hiking Trail Restrooms                                Location: Austin, Texas, USA                                                                                   Architects:  Miró Rivera                                                                                                    TYPE: public toilet                                                                                                *This restroom structure is the first building in thirty years to be added to the Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail.                                                                                 *The design achieves this by creating a unique sculptural landmark from the banal nature of public restrooms.                                                                     Materiality                                                                        COR-TEN weathering steel, was used for the structure as well as the cladding, roof, and one door.                                                                                                                Technical                                                                                                                                                     The restroom facility takes advantage of the many qualities of alloy steel that allow it to be used in its raw, planar state. Weathering steel ASTM606-Type 4, in this case is mild steel with at least 0.2 percent copper, and up to 0.55 percent total alloy metals including copper, chromium, and nickel.       



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